Angel Healing - Michelle is a Hypnotherapist and Life couch, a Psychic advisor and Soulcologist

 I am Soul with a Body and they call me Michelle

I am a spiritual teacher, counsellor, soul / life coach, hypnosis and regressions therapist, an energy healer for both humans and animals. I have read and studied extensively, covering various forms of self-awareness and self-improvement techniques.  I teach workshops that empower people so that they are in the driver’s seat in their life:  “Conscious” Channelling, so that you can get your own answers to your questions about life; The Art of Manifesting Abundance, which is imparting what I have learnt over the years to bring more abundance and prosperity into every part of your life using powerful tools to shift where you’re at; and Empowering Your Life through Energy Healing sharing my knowledge, understanding and experience gained over the years, and the tools I have discovered that to empower people and help them to empower their lives is the best gift to give. I know and understand about healing and energy, so that you will never view “illness”, imbalance”, “sickness”, ”dis-ease” and “ill health” in the same way again. I also discovered the best healing tool ever “Hypnosis”.

I studied with the Spiritual Hypnotherapy Academy of South Africa. I am a

Soul” – chologist , I do not heal with compassion I heal with LOVE.




Thanks to the following People and Authors who inspired me to write my book and for crossing my path:

Kobus vd Merwe (husband) for your understanding and support

Ashley Rutherford (friend) that helped me to take my 1st steps

Jan Grobler (chairman and founder) Spiritual Hypnotherapy Academy of South Africa

Mark Tyrrell (Hypnotherapist trainer) London

Clifford Mee (NLP master Practiotioner)Washington

Danie and Berrie Minnaar (BMS fayres)

Doreen Virtue for teaching me about the Angels - and to my Angels

Diane Cooper for your wisdom

John Neale Walsh (Conversations with God)

The Secret (DVD)

Dr Eric (the law of attraction)

All the Ascended Masters and my guides


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