Angel Healing - Michelle is a Hypnotherapist and Life couch, a Psychic advisor, Soulcologist & Inspirational Speaker


Growth... The only evidence of life.


Regrettably, too many people stop growing and remain stuck at a level where they seem doomed to repeat old problems and failures.

So if you are stuck and experiencing problems, pursue growth.

Then people will see that you are indeed alive

Heal Body Mind and Soul - Take the Journey and change your life 

 Angel Healing

Price list for healing and therapy

Chakra balancing and alignment massage.
Let your body soak up all the colours and balance your life.

R350.00 1 hour treatment

Reiki Treatments (first treatment)
Included is a discussion on treatment findings, and crystals are used.

R350.00 1  hour treatment

Reiki Treatment maintenance.
are also used.

R200.00 ½ hour treatment

Crystal and Crystal Essence Healing.
Massage done in the aura of the body
Soothing aromatherapy massage, working with the gentle healing energy.

R350 1 hour treatment

Tarot Reading / Ruin Reading / Angel reading
Tarot or Runes Psychic Readings based in the Gauteng

What's App readings, Skype Zoom, and teams Available                                                                                  

Pay Pal and direct transfer payment options available

Yoco card payments in person or we send you a link to pay with your card.


Full  Reading



Stimulating specific reflex points on the hands and feet.

R150 ½ hour

Therapy and Hypnosis Therapy

Stop smoking, bad habits, stuttering, grief, relationships, anger                    

Stress, study problems, weight , regression, pain, and fear

R350/ hour some sessions are 2 hours or more

Gift vouchers available

Stop existing and Start living…..  

Michelle vd Merwe
Web Site – find online

 booking form at the hypnosis tab


FB page:

FB Group:

Cell 074 149 7434
Fax 086 535 8304

Accredited by S.H.A.S.A

Spiritual Hypnotherapy Academy and School of Energy Healing


Booking form is on the Hypnotherapy tab

Make some Me-time and treat yourself you’re worth it!

 My Facebook page : Angel.Healing.Michelle


get free tarot readings at

Stop existing and Start living…..  

Michelle vd Merwe
Web Site – find online

 booking form at the hypnosis tab


FB page:

FB Group:

Cell 074 149 7434
Fax 086 535 8304

Accredited by S.H.A.S.A

Spiritual Hypnotherapy Academy and School of Energy Healing


Booking form is on the Hypnotherapy tab

Make some Me-time and treat yourself you’re worth it!

 My Facebook page : Angel.Healing.Michelle

Often, when working with someone's pain that is intractable, when nothing is working, there is a  part of themselves that they have been disowning and need to embrace in order to heal.

A Reiki session is so particularly pleasant for us because it brings us to an extremely agreeable state of consciousness.  The pleasant warmth of Reiki hands are like music for the soul. Reiki connects us to the light of eternity and to the breath of the universe..

A Reiki treatment is basically the "laying on of hands". Usually the client lies down fully clothed on a massage table. Energy is transferred from the hands of the practioner to the client via gentle placement of the hands. The practitioner works on the body from the top of the head down to the feet. The client receives Reiki on both the front and back of the body. Each placement is held in position for 3-5 minutes. There is no pressure or manipulation of tissues involved.

Our pains, illnesses, diseases are messages to us. Although one can be cured of a specific disease without learning the message, it will usually show up as something else, or in another way, to help us to learn what we need to learn.

The Universe is constantly sending us messages. We just don't pay attention.  (For example, I know that when all my batteries start to fail simultaneously, it is time for me to slow down.)  The healing work I do often helps people, and animals, to see, hear, or just get the message, in order to learn what they need to learn to truly heal.

Counteracts stress build-up and mobilizes the healing of various organs by stimulating specific reflex points on the hand and feet. Reflexology can be used to promote healing for specific conditions, in these cases be prepared for 6 to 10 treatments. It is also wonderful as a general stress buster, and can be used as such in single treatments as you desire. The treatment takes 1 hour.

Facial rejuvenation massage
This massage works on rejuvenating the Elastin and Collagen in the connective tissue layer of the face. It tones and lifts the face, and is a very effective non surgical face lift. Start with 8 sessions for the initial rejuvenation, and then once a month for the ongoing program.

Reiki Massage
This very special massage combines the perfect rhythm and nurturing of a soothing aromatherapy massage, with the gentle healing energy work. Working so closely with the physical body as we do in a massage, means that the therapist is working within your personal energy field, and is therefore contributing to the energy flowing in and around your body. In this massage as well as the normal massage strokes, the therapist spends some time holding and focusing on that energy transfer, to contribute to  a good healthy flow of energy around your body. Good energy flow, like good blood flow, respiration and lymph flow, is critical for the body to remain health and to heal itself.
The Reiki massage is a wonderfully relaxing, soothing, healing massage.

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